NIC 1: Øyvind Dahl (Ed.). (1995). Intercultural Communication and Contact. Se lected Papers Presented at the Nordic Symposium in Stavanger 1994.Stavanger:Misjonshøgskolens Forlag.
NIC 3: Torben Vestergaard(Ed.).(1999).Language, Culture and Identity.Language and Cultural Contact No 27, 1999. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press.
NIC 4: Marju Lauristin and Leen Rahnu (Eds.).(1999).Intercultural Communication and Changing National Identies. Tartu: Tartu University Press.
NIC 5a:Jens Allwood & Beatrice Dorriots (Eds.).(1998). Intercultural Communication Business and the Internet. Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 27. Gothenburg Dept.of Lingusitics ,Univ. of Gothenburg
NIC 5b: Jens Allwood & Beatrice Dorriots (Eds.) (1998). The Diversity of Intercultural Communication. Selected Papers. Papers in Anthropological Lingusitics 28. Götebor. Dept. og Lingusitics. Univ. of Gothenburg
NIC 6: Maria Isaksson and Felicia A. Røkaas (Eds).(2000). Conflicting Values: An Intercultural Challenge, Selected papers from the 1999 NIC Symposium in Oslo. Oslo
Some papers from the following NIC conferences have been published in the Electronic Journal Intercultural Communication (See below)