- Manukyan, Liva; International Institute of Culture “East-West”
- Saroyan, Amen; International Institute of “East West”
- Gao, Mobo; School of Asian Languages & Studies, University of Tasmania
- Kao, Shih-Chi; Macquarie University
- McElhinney, Stephen; Centre for International Communication, Macquarie University
- Piller, Ingrid; Linguistics Department University of Sydney
- Ticehurst, Bill; University of Technology, Sydney
- Tongtao, Zheng; School of Asian Languages and Studies University of Tasmania
- Langer, Josef; Universitaet Klagenfurt
- Faisal, Mohammad; University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
- Davidyuk, Georgy; Belarussian State University
- Korshuk, Elena; Department of English and Spech Communication, Belarusian State University
- Lazarevich, Anatoly; Institute of Philosophy and Law
- Kyuchoukova, Rossitsa; International Department of the Natinal Institute of Education, Sofia University
- Penkova, Rossitsa; National Institute of Education
- Stamenov, Maxim; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Tankaranian, Zaki; Ministry of Education and Science
- Tankam, Charles; Learn Foreign Languages for Promotion of Communication & Culture
- Dankova, Natalia, Professor; Université du Québec en Outaouais
- Fall, Khadiyatoulah; University of Quebec in Chicoutimi, Departement des Arts et Lettres
- Punamiya, Anita; CompreCultures
- Lee, Kim Hung Elvis, Instructor; City University of Hong Kong
- Leung, Beatrice; Llingnan University
- Smith, Robert, Professor; Quzhou College
- Wong, Lornita; Dept. of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Wong, Yuen-fan Lomita; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Xiangkun, Li; Hubei University
- Rados, Ljerka; Faculty of Economics in Osijek
- Andersen, Mona Agerholm; Handelshøjskolen i Århus
- Andersson, Vibeke, Assistant professor; Aalborg University
- Ankjær, Marianne; University of Southern Denmark
- Armangue, Lluis; Copenhagen Business School
- Arnold, Andrew; Carlsberg Breweries A/S
- Bakmand, Bente; Dept. of Languages and Culture, Roskilde University Centre
- Balling, Sulajma; Syddansk Universitet
- Bislev, Sven; Copenhagen Business School
- Bülow-Møller, Anne Marie; Copenhagen Business School
- Bøilerehauge. Dorrit; Handelshøjskolen i Århus
- Day, Dennis; University of Southern Denmark, Sprog og kommunikation
- Djursaa, Malene; Department of English, Copenhagen Business School
- Fabech, Sidsel; Copenhagen Business School
- Fuglsang, Mette; Handels- og Ingeniør Højskolen
- Gabrielsen, Jonas; Copenhagen Business School
- Gardner, James; Copenhagen Business School
- Geyer, Klaus, Department of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark
- Gram, Malene; Aalborg Universitet
- Gramkow, Karsten; Aalborg Universitet
- Gullestrup, Hans, Professor Emeritus; Department of Business Economy, Aalborg University
- Gustafsson, Jan; Copenhagen Business School
- Hansen, Gyde; Copenhagen Business School
- Hermann, Helle; Copenhagen Business School
- Hernández-Flores, Nieves; Aalborg Universitet
- Ingstad, Lill; English Department, Copenhagen Business School
- Jacobsen, Ushma Chauhan, PhD Student; Dept. of Language and Business Communication, Århus School of Business, Univ. of Aarhus
- Jensen, Bente Lihn; Copenhagen Business School
- Jensen, Iben, Associate professor; Department of Communication, Roskilde University
- Just, Sine; Copenhagen Business School
- Jørgensen, Kathrine Ravn; Copenhagen Business School
- Jørgensen, Torsten Bo; Copenhagen Business School
- Khairoulline, Vladimir; University of Copenhagen
- Kilian, Anne Sofie; Copenhagen Business School
- Kjærbeck, Susanne; Dept. of Language and Culture, Roskilde University, Copenhagen Business School, IKL
- Kragh, Simon; Copenhagen Business School
- Kreipke, Karen; DF´s Sprogskole
- Kristensen, Leif; Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi, Copenhagen Business School
- Kuada, John; Aalborg University
- Leroyer, Patrick, Associate professor; Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus
- Mc Ilvenny, Paul B; Dept of Language and Intercultural Studies, Aalborg Univ.
- Michele, Lamothe Nielsen; Hojlundgård consulting/formand Alliance francaise Viborg/DK
- Møller, Inger Skovgaard; Handels- og IngeniørHøjskolen
- Nielsen, Agnete Berg; Copenhagen Business School
- Nielsen, J.C; Erhvervssprolligt Forbund
- Nielsen, Martin, Associate Professor; Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus
- Norlyk, Birgitte; Syddansk Universitet
- Nygaard, Sven-Peter; Institut f. org. og arbejdssociologi, Copenhagen Business School
- Nytoft, Marie; Copenhagen Business School
- Nørgaard, Jens Lautrup; Copenhagen Business School
- Outzen, Søren Hilligsøe; The Aarhus School of Business
- Picht, Herbert; Copenhagen Business School
- Pondevie, Franck; Copenhagen Business School
- Posselt, Charlotte; Engineering College of Copenhagen
- Poulsen, Signe; Copenhagen Business School
- Rasmussen, Ole Emil; University of Southern Danmark
- Remo, Stefano Chiari; Copenhagen Business School
- Rittenhofer, Iris, Associate Professor; ISEK, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University
- Rönsholt, Susanne
- Salazar, Martha
- Sine, Just; Copenhagen Business School
- Skaarup, Terkel
- Tange, Hanne, Associate Professor; Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus
- Torben, Vestergaard; Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies, Aalborg University
- Tournay, Joan; Copenhagen Business School
- Wahl, Elena; Copenhagen Business School
- Vestergaard, Torben; Department of Ethnography and Social Anthropology
- Villemoes, Anette; Copenhagen Business School
- Medhat, Yousef; USAID Egypt – Integrated English Language Programm II
- Asser, Hiie; Tartu University
- Chernov, Igor
- Hennoste, Tiit; University of Tartu, Estonia. Dept of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
- Koksharova, Irina, MA, lecturer, PhD student; Tartu University
- Lauristin, Marju; Tartu University
- Maisla, Diana, Lecturer; Narva College of the University of Tartu
- Ots, Loone; Tallin Pedagogical University
- Rahnu, Leen; Department of Cultural Education, Viljandi Culture Academy
- Runnel Pille; Tartu University, Department of Journalism and Communication
- Rääbis, Andriela, PhD Student; University of Tartu, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
- Valk, Aune; Open University, University of Tartu
- Vihalemm, Triin; University of Tartu,School of Social Sciences, Chair of Media and Communication
- Villiko Jaanus; Narva College of Tartu University
- Vogelberg, Krista, Ph.D., professor; Tartu University
- Aberra, Daniel; Department of Linguistics/Addis Abeba University
- Aalto, Nancy, Lecturer and Program Coordinator; Language Center- University of Tampere
- Alakolski-Johansson, Gunilla
- Alakolski-Johansson, Tia; Åbo Akademi University
- Antman, Katarina; Centre for Continuing Education, Åbo Akademi University
- Björk, Mariann; Medicenter
- Björkell, Monica; Sydväst Polytechnic, Tourist Management
- Bowie, Ian; Richard Lewis Communications
- Byholm Teresia, student; Åbo Akademi University
- Carrion-Peña, Lili; Language Centre, Oulu University
- Charles, Mirjaliisa; Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration
- Charlton-Pursimo, Fiona
- Cools, Carine; University of Jyväskyla, Intercultural Studies Program
- Corradi, Liilia; Corradi Intercultural Communication
- Davidsson, Aira; FINTRA
- Dervin, Frederic; University of Turku
- Eloaho, Merja
- Engberg Maria; Sydväst Politechnics
- Essén, Tove; Åbo Akademi University
- Fagerholm, Daniel; Centre for Continuing Education, Åbo Academi University
- Fagerholm, Harriet; HELIA
- Forslund, Tove; Centre for Continuing Education, Åbo Academi University
- Haines, James; Department of English, North American Studies Program & Women’s Studies Committee, University of Oulu
- Hildén, Raili
- Hujanen, Kirsti; AMIEDU – Immigrant Education
- Hyttinen, Kirsti; Kymenlaakso Polytechnic, Business Administration/Kouvola Finland
- Härkönen, Jaana; Kajaani Polytechnic
- Höglund, Panu; Åbo Akademi
- Illman, Ruth; Åbo Akademi University
- Ingman, Jenny; Åbo Akademi University
- Irrman, Oliver; Department of International Marketing, Vaasa University
- Jalava, Maria; Centre for Continuing Education, Åbo Akademi University
- Johansson, Marjana; Centre for Continuing Education, Åbo Akademi University
- Jokinen Kristiina; University of Art and Design Helsinki
- Kankaanranta, Anne, Senior Lecturer, International Business Communication; Helsinki School of Economics
- Keller, Hilary; University of Oulu, Learning and Research Services
- Kidd, Kenneth; Language Centre,University of Helsinki
- Kinnunen, Eija-Ritta
- Kirra, Kiira Maria; Dept. of Communication, University of Jyväskylä
- Kkohovi, Pirkko; Language Centre, Oulu University
- Konivouri, Sini; University of Jyväskylä
- Korhonen, Kaisu, PhD Principal Lecturer; Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
- Koskivaara, Ilona; Sydväst Polytechnic, Tourism Management
- Kukkonen, Pirjo, Adjunct Professor; Univ. of Helsinki -Dept. of Scandinavian Languages and Literature Translation Section
- Kumar, Narendra; Inter-Cultural Communication Network Centre for Continuing Education, Åbo Akademi University
- Kurkki-Suonio, Liisa; University of Tampere
- Laakio-Whybrow, Sinikka; Kaarian Lukio
- Laamanen, Ritva; Helsinki Polytechnic
- Lapplainen, Riina; Åbo Akademi University
- Lassenius, Marina; Åbo Akademi University
- Lassila, Janina; Åbo Akademi University
- Lehtinen, Tuija; Turku University
- Lehtonen, Jaakko; University of Jyväskylä
- Leino, Hendrik; Åbo Akademi University
- Leppänen, Katja; Åbo Akademi University
- Linden, Kim; Åbo Akademi University
- Lindgren, Pia; Turku Polytechnic, Faculty of Telecommunications and E-business
- Lindgrén, Signe-Anita; Åbo Akademi University
- Lindholm, Kristina; Åbo Akademi University
- Lönnfors, Pearl; University of Helsinki, Language Centre
- Malmio, Kristina, Senior researcher; The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland
- Markela, Eeva; Wallac Oy
- Mikkola, Pirjo
- Missyris, Illias
- Neuendorff, Dagmar; Abo Akademi University
- Nieminen, Anna-Riikka; Turku University
- Norlund, Joan; Helsinki University
- Norström, Hans; Language Centre, Åbo Akademi University
- Palmgren, Anne-Charlotte; Åbo Akademi University
- Parvinen, Liisa; AMIEDU
- Paukama, Tuula; Univ.of Jyvaskyla, ICIR/ICS programmes, Dep. of Communication
- Pelkonen, Päivi; Oulu University
- Pietilä, Irja, Instructor in Intercultural Communication; Tampere University
- Piikki, Anni; AMIEDU
- Poutiainen, Saila, University lecturer; Department of Speech Sciences, University of Helsinki
- Rautanen, Kimmo; Åbo Akademi University, The Unit of Ostrobothnia
- Reuter, Brigitte, Lecturer in German for special purposes; University of Tampere Language Centre Finland
- Rumjantsew, Elvina; Åbo Akademi University
- Saalo-Lee, Liisa, Board Member; University of Jyväskylä, Department of Communication
- Saaristo, Erika; Åbo Akademi University
- Saastamoinen, Riitta, Assistant in Intercultural Communication; University of Jyväskylä, Department of Communication
- Saku, Mäkinen; Tampere University of Technology
- Salo, Tiina-Leena; Language Centre, Turku University
- Salo-Lee, Liisa; University of Jyväskylä, Department of Communication
- Schmidt, Christopher; Åbo Akademi University
- Seppänen, Ann; Tampere Polytechnic Business School
- Siegfrids, Peter; Centre for Continuing Education, Åbo Akademi University
- Still, Rune
- Summa, Tarja; Ministery of Social Affairs and Health
- Tainio, Laura; Åbo Akademi University
- Tefke, Martina, Senior Lecturer; Arcada – University of Applied Sciences
- Toffellia, Satu; Kule OY
- Tollet, Lars; No affiliation
- Trujillo Alvaro Triana; University of Helsinki
- Törnroos, Jan-Åke; Åbo Akademi University
- Vanha-aho, Pentti; Tampere University of Technology, Industrial Management
- Whetham, Cheryl
- Wikberg, Lolita
- Vuorela, Tania; Afinla
- Österråker, Carina; Åbo Akademi University
- Barthelemy-Capet, Eloise; Sorbonne PARIS-IV
- Ellis, Judith; Université Catholique de Lille
- Abraham, Werner, Professor; University of Vienna / University of Munich
- Bahadir, Sebnem, Lector; Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz Germersheim
- Breckle, Margit, Professor; Hochschule Konstanz
- Engels, Eva
- Hinnenkamp, Volker; Dept. of Philosophy, University of Augsburg/Free University Berlin
- Hofmann, Annabella Claudia; University of Munich, dep. Sociology / dep. Ethnology
- Huber, Dieter; Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz/Germany
- Kuepers, Hannelore, Professor; Institute for Future-Oriented Competencies Bochum University of Applied Sciences
- Leiss, Elisabeth, Professor; University of Munich
- Meierkord, Christiane; Institut fur Anglistik/Amerikanistik
- Nofri, Sara, PhD student; Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Centre for Media and Polititcs, University of Hamburg
- Schuch, Elke, Lecturer; Cologne Univ. of Applied Sciences, Inst. of Translation and Multilingual Communication
- Siegfried, Doreen; Department of Northem European and Scandinavian, Language and Cultures, Humboldt University Berlin
- Streubel, Wolfgang; Universität Bremen
- Xue, Dongyan
- Zhu-Jing Scmidt; University of Cologne
- Addo, Charles Owusu; Institute of Computing and Profesional Studies
- Adjei, Emanuel Omani; SOSA
- Affrainie, Samuel; Obiso
- Afriyie, Eric Osei; Gelefric Consult Ghana Ltd
- Agyekum, Chester; Tiptree Ventures & Farms
- Amina, Bala; Obiso
- Ansah, Anthoney Owusu; Accra Workers College
- Anyaegbunam, Joseph Vince Chinye; Gelefric Consult Ghana Ltd
- Anyaegbunam, Xoese Rosemond; Gelefric Consult Ghana Ltd
- Appiah, Kwadwo Osei; SOSA
- Asirifi, Addo; University of Ghana
- Danquah, Felix Kojo; Institute of Computing and Professional Studies
- Donkor, Robin; SOSA
- Kwadwo, Osei Appiah; SOSA
- Mensah, Eunice Akua; Obiso
- Oduro, Seth; Ghana Institute of Journalism
- Peprah, Emmanuel; Kwame nkrumah, University of Science and Technology
- Pomaah, Cynthia; Obiso
- Sabi, Mohammed Ibrahim; SOSA
- Sasu, Ernest Kwame; Institute of Computing and Professional Studies
- Tenkorang, Erik Yeboah; University of Ghana, Legon
- Frederiksen, Katti, Researcher; The Greenland Language Secretariat
- Földvári, Sándor; Dept. of Classical Philology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
- Jablonkai, Reka; Budapest University of Economics
- Urbán, Anna; University of Miskolc
- Arnbjörnsdóttir, Birna, Associate professor; University of Iceland
- Árnadóttir, Hlíf, Student; University of Iceland
- Benediktsdóttir, Ásbjörg, Student; University of Iceland
- D’arcy, Júlían Meldon, Professor in English literature; University of Iceland
- Dutra, Luciano, Student in Translation Studies; University of Iceland
- Eiriksdottir, Elín, Teacher; International School of Iceland
- Eyþórsdóttir, Eyrún, National Direcotr; AFS Iceland
- Eyþórsson, Þórhallur, Senior Research Scholar; Institute of Linguistics, Univ. of Iceland
- Faber, Berta, Skólastjóri; International School of Iceland
- Große, Annika, Lecturer; University of Iceland, German department
- Hauksdóttir, Auður, Associate professor; Univ. of Iceland, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute
- Hirsiaho, Anu, Postdoctoral Fellow; University of Tampere /Háskóli Íslands
- Ingibjartsdóttir, Ásta, Adjunct in French; University of Iceland
- Johansson, Lars-Göran, Swedish Lecturer; University of Iceland
- Jónasdóttir, Sólveig, Project Director; Intercultural Centre
- Jónsdóttir, Halldóra, Project Manager of ISLEX online dictionary; The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Univ. of Iceland
- Jónsdóttir, Hulda Kristín, PhD student/teacher; University of Iceland
- Jónsdóttir, Laufey Erla, Project Manager; Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute
- Jónsson, Jóhannes Gísli, Adjunct Professor; University of Iceland
- Korotkova, Olga, Lecturer; University of Iceland
- Kristinsson, Ari Páll, Associate research professor; The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland
- Kristmannsson, Gauti, Associate professor in Translation studies; Univ. of Iceland, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Inst.
- Kvaran, Guðrún, Professor; The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland
- Leskopf, Sabine, Community Interpretor
- Loftsdóttir, Kristín, Professor; University of Iceland
- Oddsdóttir, Þórhildur, Lecturer; University of Iceland
- Pálsson, Gísli, Professor; Faculty of social sciences, University of Iceland
- Reinhardsdottir, Helga Margét, Project Manager; Intercultural Center
- Sigurðsson, Einar Freyr, Student; University of Iceland
- Sigurðsson, Eyjólfur Már, Director; University of Iceland, Language Centre
- Sigurðsson, Magnús, Adjunct ; University of Iceland
- Skaptadóttir, Unnur Dís, Professor; Department of Anthropology, University of Iceland
- Solimene, Marco, Ph.D. student; Háskóli Íslands
- Storchi, Simona, Lecturer in Italian; University of Iceland
- Strahan, Tania, Postdoctoral Fellow; University of Iceland
- Sverrisdóttir, Oddný, Dr. Phil.; Háskóli Íslands
- Torfadóttir, Theódóra, Ph.D. student; University of Iceland
- Umezawa, Kaoru, Lecturer in Japanese; University of Iceland
- Úlfarsdóttir, Þórdís, Editor of ISLEX online dictionary; The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Univ. of Iceland
- Whelpthon, Matthew, Associate Professor in English Linguistics; University of Iceland
- Wojtynska, Anna, Ph.D. student; University of Iceland
- Þórarinsdóttir, Hallfríður, Dr. In Anthropology; CIRRA- Center for Immigration Research Reykjavík Academy
- Þráinsdóttir, Rebekka, Assistant lecturer in Russian; University of Iceland
- Chacko, Thomas; Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- Cacciaguidi-Fahy, Sophie; National University of Ireland
- Fahy, Martin; Dep. of Accounting and Finance and MIS, National University of Ireland, Galway
- Gallagher, Maura; Langtrain International
- Pinchevski, Amit; Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University
- Shoham, Shlomo Giora; Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University
- Ziv, Esther
- Pistillo, Giovanna; Univ. degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Faculta di Sciencze Politiche, Dipartimento di Scienze Statische
- Rossetti, Gabriella; Dept. of Communication, University of Ferrara
- Vergaro, Carla; University of Perugia, Department of Language Sciences
- Ishii, Haruko; Department of Bussiness Administration, Hokkai, Gakven University
- McHugh, Charles; Setsunan University Faculty of International Language and Culture
- Rosen, Steven L.; Hiroshima Women Bs University
- Shaules, Joseph
- Uematsu Shigeo; Setsunan University
- Ankrava Sigma; University of Latvia
- Apine Margarita; State Chancellery
- D_rupa IIze; Riga Commerce School
- Dil_ne Signe; Riga Stradins University
- Dimants; Ainars; Freelance Journalist
- Ezera Liga; Riga Stradins University
- Forsen; Gunilla; Embassy of Sweden
- Gredzena ; Ramona; Publishing House “Applied Information Service”, magazine “Kapitals”
- Helms, Rikke; Danish Institute in Latvia
- Kopankina, Iveta; Riga Technical University
- Korbe Agnese; State Chancellery
- Kruk Sergej; University: University of Latvia, Riga
- Kulberga Elvira; National Programme for Latvian Language Training
- Licite, Zane; National Programme for Latvian Language Training
- Liguta Tatyana; Latvian University
- Litvinenko, Alina; Department of Culture, Higher School of Economics and Culture
- Locmele, Liene, Lecturer, programme director; Vidzeme University College
- Meinerte, Sarmite; Department of Communication Studies, Stradins University of Latvia
- Misina Inga; National Programme for Latvian Language Training
- Opmane Inga; Riga Commerce School
- Ozolina Agrita; Riga School of Commerce
- Ozolina, Inese; Baltic Institute of Social Studies, Riga
- Papule Evija; Ministry of Education and Science
- Peipina Olga; Daugavpils University
- Pranka Maruta; Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia
- Priedite, Aija; National Programme for Latvian Language Training
- Reitav Urmo; Narva College of Tartu University
- Rozenberga Rasma; Embassy of the United States
- Rozukalne, Anda; Latvian University
- Savicka, Vita; Department of Communication, Riga Stradina University
- Silina Brigita; National Programme for Latvian Language Training
- Skrabane, Astra; Venstspils University College
- Slavinskis Aldis; Education Department of Ventspils City Council
- Stopniece Santa; Vidzeme University
- Sulmane Ilze; University of Latvia, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept. of Communication Studies
- Vaivars Janis; University of Latvia
- Venge, Gunta; Latvia Academy of Culture
- Vigulis Juris; University of Latvia
- Vilsone Ilze; Riga Stradins University
- Vinovskis Roberts; Locomotive Productions
- Zunde, Ansis
- Matkeviciene, Renata, Lecturer; Vilnius University- Faculty of Communication
- Sture, Ieva, Lecturer; Vidzeme University College
- Ognenovski, Liljana; Institute for sociological, political and juridicial research – Skopje
- Ognenovski, Sasho; Institute for sociological, political and juridicial research – Skopje
- Asmah Haji Omar; Holder of the Prestigeous Za’ba Chair of Malay Civilisation, Director of the Inst. of Malay Civilisation, Univ. Pendidikan
- Kaur, Baljit; University of Malaya
- Yadav, Dambar N; Center of Poverty Alleviation, Enviroment Conservation & Women Welfare
- Bartelds, Vladimir, Lecturer; Department of intercultural communication, Hanze University Groningen
- Gjoeen, Judith van der Weele; Norske sjomannsmission, Den norske kirke i utlandet
- Habermann, Gustav; School of Psychology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Massey University
- Powhiri, Rika-Heke; University of Canterbury
- Zhu, Yunxia; School of Communication Arts and Social Sciences, UNITEC, Institute of Technology
- Abayomi, Odukoya
- Abubakre, Taofiq Olanrewaju
- Awobiyi, Tope Seun; Obafemi Awolowo University
- Babatunde, Momoh
- Bamidele, Roland Abiodun; History & Arts Dept., Ogun State, University,ago-iwoye
- Bode, Akinwumi; History&Arts, Ogun State University,ago-iwoye
- Chidozie, Ogokeh Collins; Bamah Investment Limited Nigeria
- Isiaka, Olusola
- Jolomi, Olusola; Dieu Merci Resources Nig Ltd
- Nwaezeigwe, E.James; History&Arts Dept. Ogun State University,Ago-iwoye
- Ogokeh Collins Chidozie; Bamah Investment Limited Nigeria
- Olatunji,Salvador Musibau; Obafemi Awolowo University,ile-ife,osun state Nigeriau
- Oludare, Dahood Alagboro Saliu; University of Ilorin
- Sarayi, Olubunmi Ebunola; Obaferni Awolowo University
- Aamboe, Arild; NAKMI, Oslo
- Akselsen, Jennifer; University of Oslo
- Aresvik, Patricia
- Batnes, Per-Inge; Centre for Multicultural and International Studies ved Oslo University College
- Bentzen, Kristine, Post doctor; University of Tromsø
- Bjørge, Anne Kari; Department of Languages, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
- Breivik, Torbjørg
- Brinkmann, Johannes; The Norwegian School of Management BI
- Bugge, Hans Erik, University lecturer; University of Stavanger
- Bull-Njaa, Silje Larsen
- Bøhn, Henrik, Assistant professor; Østfold University College
- Carlsen, Arne J.; Norwegian School of Management BI
- Cleaverly, Peter; Norway School of Managment BI
- Daae-Qvale, Inger; Centre for Multicultural and International Studies ved Oslo University College
- Dahl, Oyvind, Professor; Centre for Intercultural Communicaiton
- Denk, Ingrid; Centre for Multicultural and International Studies ved Oslo University College
- Drange, Live Danbolt, Associate professor; NLA – Schoole of Religion, Education and Intercultural studies
- Drønen, Tomas Sundnes, Associate Professor Intercultural Studies; School of Mission and Theology
- Dypedahl, Magne, Associate professor; Østfold University College
- Egden, Sissel; Centre for Multicultural and International Studies ved Oslo University College
- Eschenbach, Jutta, Førsteamanuensis; Østfold University College
- Fahey, Maria Palma; Mary Immaculate College
- Fife, Agnes Elisabeth, Independent lecturer and consultant in cross-cultural communication
- Fjeldsenden, Bjarne, A; Dept. of Psychology, NTNU
- Flydal, Einar; Telenor FOU/TR Norway
- Fretheim, Kjetil, Senior researcher; Centre for Intercultural Communication (SIK)
- Fundingsland, Andrew
- Gard, Eilef Johan, University lecturer; Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication / University of Staranger
- Gorset, Anne-Marie; Luftkrigsskolen
- Gran, Kristin Storhaug; BI Vestfold, Hogskolen i Vestfold
- Greek, Marit, Associate professor; Oslo University college
- Groth, Brian Ibbotson; Norwegian School of Management, BI
- Hanssen, Ingrid; Lovisenberg diakonale hogskole
- Hellesvik, Sonja, Translator; Amesto Translations
- Hellum, Bjørg; Østfold University College
- Hetland, Jorunn, Professor; NTNU
- Horntvedt, Tone; Centre for Multicultural and International Studies ved Oslo University College
- Hróarsdóttir, Þorbjörg, Researcher; Department of Linguistics, University of Tromsø
- Isaksson, Maria, Associate professor; Norwegian School of Management BI
- Johannessen, Oystein Lund; SIK, MHS
- Johansen, Grethe Moen
- Jonsmoen, Kari Mari, Assistant professor; Centre for educational Reseach and Development, Oslo University College
- Kristensen, Kåre; Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon
- Lehmann, Walter; Centre for Multicultural and International Studies ved Oslo University College
- Leontieva, Alexandra N
- Lervik, Jon Erland; Norwegian School of Management
- Linge, Tone; Stavanger University
- Lunheim, Rolf; Norsk Hydro ASA/Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskaelige Universitet
- Mandujano, Amador Israel Caviedes, Assistant professor; Norsk Lærerakademi
- Matthews, Derek; UNIVETT, Section for Continuing and Distance Education
- Meyer, Frank; Centre for Multicultural and International Studies ved Oslo University College
- Myrvang, Mary Ann; PRESSE – Xpo Media Ltd
- Neumann, Ingrid; Ostfold University College
- Osmundsen, Tonje C.; Studio Apertura, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Ottosson, Kjartan, Professor; ILN, Universitetet i Oslo
- Pausewang, Elin; Telemark University College
- Pettersen, Odd; The Norwegian School of Management, Oslo Campus
- Radtke, Ingrid
- Roald, Hilde; Högskolen i Hedmark, ÖSIR
- Rodgers, Drew; OKS
- Rodne, Knut; SINTEF Industrial Management
- Rygg, Kristin, Research scholar; Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH)
- Røkaas, Felicia Andrews; The Norweigian School of Management BI
- Sandvik, Margareth; Oslo University College
- Smitherman, Thomas, Stipendiat; University of Bergen
- Storhaug, Kristin; Vestfold College, Faculty of Education
- Strand, Svein, Lecturer; Norwegian Teachers Academy
- Svendsen Bard-Ivar; Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway
- Svennevig, Jan; Handelsh-yskolen BI
- Søholt, Susanne; Norwegian Building Research Institute
- Torvik, Judith M.; Telemark College
- Traavik, Laura Mercer; Norwegian School of Management
- Ytrehus, Line Alice, assoc. professor in Intercultural Studies ; NLA School of Religion, Education and Intercultural studies
- Wangsness, Sigrid Brevik; Oslo College
- Warner-Søderholm, Gillian, Lecturer /doctoral fellow; The Norwegian School of Management – BI
- Wiig Berg, Roberta, Associate professor; The Norwegian School of Management – BI
- Åsebø Solvor; Senter for Voksenopplæring
- Ørvig, Kjersti; University of Stavanger, Department of postgraduate and advanced education programmes
- Ahmad, Ali Mukhtar
- Khan, Muhammad; Compete College
- Chutnik, Monika; University of Lodz
- Komorowska, Ewa; Studium Jezykow Obcych Wyzsza Szkola Morska; Uniwersytet, Instytut Filologii Slowianskiej
- Sobczynska, Joanna
- Iosub Caras, Adriana Simona
- Atabekova, Anastasia, Professor, head of department of foreign languages department ; Peoples’ Friendship Univ. of Russia
- Karpova, Olga, Vice-Rector for PR, Head of English Department; Ivanovo State University
- Kljutcharev, Grigori
- Lopatina, Yulia; SKKtyvkar Forest Institute
- Meladze, Nana; Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Rusian Academy of Sciences
- Polotovski Serguei
- Yampilova, Zoya
- Weber, Ian; School of Communication and Information. Nanyang Technological University
- Cebron, Neva; University of Primorska
- Fingar, Marjana; Secondary School of Textiles
- Gogala, Milosa; Secondary School of Textiles
- Horvat, Marjeta Doupona; Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana
- Zagar, Igor Z; Educational Research Institute
- Adedeji, Fasanya; nettermtech System cc
- Anthonissen, Christine; University Stellenbosch
- Ayodeji, Oladele Charles; Yele and Dele
- Dorris, Brian
- Dorris, Kay
- Ferreira, Elizabeth; Faculty of Communication Studies
- George, Erica; University of Western Cape
- Hendrikse, Rusandre; Department of linguistics/University of South Afrika
- Norris, Brian Dale; Port Elizabeth Technikon
- Barragán Ruiz-Matas, Cristina; University of Granada
- Toda Iglesio, Fernando, Professor; Department of Translation and Interpreting, University of Salamanca
- Muraletharan, Nithiyaluxmiy
- Abelin, Åsa; Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University
- Allwood, Jens, Professor; Department of Linguistics SCCIIL, Univ. of Gothenburg
- Almér Söderström, Elin; Dept of Linguistics, University of Göteborg
- Ask, Urban; GRI Gothenburg University
- Berbyuk Lindström, Nataliya, Lecturer, PhD Student; Department of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg
- Bergquist, Magnus; The Viktoria Institute, KIM and the Dept. of Ethnology
- Blomcrantz, Eleni; Advanc Competence
- Bodin, Brita; Karlstad Universitet
- Bozier, Christine; Lunds Universitet, Romanska Institutionen
- Bravo, Diana; Inst. för Spanska och Portugisiska, Stockholms Universitet
- Bredänge, Gunlög; Institution för pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborgs Universitet
- Brodow, Ulla; Göteborgs universitet, Pedagogiska institutionen
- Brusewitz, Agneta
- Bryn, Steinar; The Nansen Institute
- Byström, Anna-Karin; Inst. for Culture and Media, Umeå University
- Cordeiro, Cheryl Marie; Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University
- Dellnäs Anki; Centre for studies in democratic values (CEVS) and History of Ideas and Theory of Science
- Dorriots, Beatriz; Dept of Linguistics, University of Göteborg
- Edström, Anders; CORE, Chalmers University of Technology
- Elmeroth, Elisabeth; University of Kalmar
- Fang, Tony, Associate Professor; School of Business Stockholm University Sweden
- Fant, Lars; Dept. of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, Stockholm University
- Ferm, Ulrika; Department of Linguistics & SSKKII – Center for Cognitive Science, Göteborg University
- Fors, Jennie, Fil kand; The Institute for Interpretation and Translation studies
- Frumuselu, Mihai Daniel; Södertorns Högskola. Humanistiska Institutionen, Örebro Universitet
- Gander, Pierre; Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University
- Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise; Department of Scandinavian Languages, Stockholm University
- Hallengren, Hans
- Javanaud, Pierre; Dept of Linguistics, University of Göteborg
- Jönsson, Sten; GRI, Gothenburg University
- Jörgensen, Nils
- Karlander, Sussanne; Fristad Folk High School
- Karlsen, Alexander, Interpretor, researcher; Stockholm University
- Klamer, Maria; ScandiText AB
- Kós-Dienes, Dora; Centre KIM, University of Göteborg
- Li, Dianyu; Göteborg University
- Lind, Ingvar; SSKKII, Göteborg University
- Lindholm, Maria; Linköping University
- Lundberg, Brita; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
- Maceviciute, Elena; Vilnius University Lithuania; University College Borås
- Matusevich Elena; Södertärns Högskola
- Mueller Nylander, Elisabeth; Högskolan i Jönköping
- Mörck, Magnus; SSKKII, University of Göteborg
- Nauclér, Kerstin; Dept of Linguistics, University of Göteborg
- Norberg, Ulf, Lecturer; Institute for Interpretation and Translation Studies
- Olausson, Ulrika; Högskolan i Örebro
- Paulsen, Hege; University of Gothemburg
- Pedersen, Jan, Director of Studies; Department of English, Stockholm University
- Rocklingsberg Christoph; Linkoping University, Department of Language and Culture
- Rodén, Emilie; Sociology
- Räisänen, Christine; English Department, Göteborg University
- Röcklinsberg, Christoph; Tyska institutionen, Department of Language and Culture, Linköpings universitetet
- Saxena, Anju; Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University
- Schröder, Ralph; Technology and Society. Chalmers University
- Semenenko, Aleksei, Lecturer; Södertörn University College
- Stenquist, Karin; Smittskyddsenheten, Sociala Huset
- Sundberg, Gunlög; Department of Scandinavian Studies, Stockholm University
- Söhrman, Ingmar; Department of Romance Languages, Göteborg University
- Tong, Youhua; Dept of Linguistics, University of Göteborg
- Tryggvason, Marje-Terttu; Södertörn University College
- Tybrand, Berit
- Westin, Eva; University of Lund Department of Romance Studies
- Widell, Gill; Dept. of Business Administration, Göteborg School of Economics and Commercial Law
- Virtanen, Tuija; Vaxjo University, Department of the Humanities
- Wolff, Birgitta; forum etniped – etnicitet & pedagogik
- von Feilitzen, Cecilia; University College of Sodertorn
- Mauri Brusa, Manuel, PhD Student; Univ. of Lugano- Faculty of Communication Sciences – Inst. for public communication and education
- Karas, Muhsin, University lecturer – Dr.; Abant Izzet Baysal University
- Aghdami, Rose; Mensana International,Intercultural, Psychological Consultance, University of Wolverhampton
- Billig, Michael
- Byram, Michael, Professor Emeritus, Keynote speaker at NIC 2008; School of Education, University of Durham
- Campbell, W.; Manchester Metropolitan University
- Cowman, Raymond, student; University of Huddersfield
- Dewey, Martin; International House of London
- Furno, Rick
- Hyde, Martin; Language Studies Dept, Canterbury Christ Church College
- Jicheva, Maria; Coghill and Beery International
- Mercer Paul; Culture Communication and Societies, Institute of Education, University of London
- Naslund, Vivianne; Bridgehead Associates
- Oyama, Rumiko; Culture, Communication and Societies, Institute of Education,University of London
- Petzal, Peter; 2C International
- Tomic, Alice; Department of Communication and Fine Arts, Richmond American International University of London
- U-maporn Kardkarnklai; University of Reading
- Williams, Kinga, Clinical Psychologist; MENSANA – Intercultural Psychological Consultancy
- Zotzmann, Karin; Lancaster University
- Mohanta, Milton
- Vakulenko, Maksym
- El Zaki, El Tayeb El Mansour El Hassan; Ajman University of Science and Technology
- McGee, Alan; Zayed University
- McGee, Alyson; Zayed University
- Bennett, Janet and Milton; Intercultural Communication Institute
- Downs, Cal W; University of Kansas
- Fujimura, Osamu; The Ohaio State University, Speech and Hearing
- Fullon, Elizabeth; University of Massachusetts/Amherst, Department of Communication
- Herring Susan; School of Library and Information Science Indiana University
- Juul, Bonnie; Juul Institute of International Communication
- Maling, Joan, Professor; Brandeis University
- Maxwell Madeline; Department of Communication Studies The University of Texas
- Ngwainmbi, Emanuel K; Elizabeth City State University
- Nwadike, Fellina
- Poutiainen, Saila; University of Massachusetts, Department of Communication
- Rudnick, Lisa; University of Massachusetts, Department of Communication
- Röblyn, Simeon; College of Business, San Francisco State University
- Salonen, Riika; The Intercultural Commmunication Institute
- SenGupta, Ira; Cultural Competency Programs, Cross Cultural Health Care Program
- Setiyawan, Dahlia; University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education
- Shibatani, Kaori; College of Business, San Francisco State University
- Tanno, Dolores
- Wilson, Steven; Department of Communication, Purdue University
- Kristovic, Mirjana; University of Nis, Faculty of Phylosophy, Department of Sociology