Name: Jens Allwood
Department: Department of Linguistics
University: University of Göteborg
Address: Renströmsparken
S-312 98 Göteborg
Telephone: 031-631174
Academic degrees: Fil. kand, 1972;
Ph.D. 1976
Academic Lecturer, 1976-80
appointments: Docent, 1980-83
Professor 1983-86 (acting)
” 1986 – (full)
Guest lectures: Between 100 – 200 in several universities in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Germany, Austria, Hungary, England, Scotland, Holland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech republic, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, China, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Cuba, South Africa, Georgia, Nepal and India.
Externally funded 1.Logical Grammar, research assistant (HSFR)
Research projects: 2.Anthropological Linguistics, Director (HSFR)
3.Natural Resources in a Cultural Perspective, Co-director (FRN)
4.Ecology of Adult Language Acquisition, Co-director (FRN)
5.Aphasia and Spoken Interaction, Director (FRN; HSFR)
6.Better Terminal Use, Director (IBM)
7.Linguistic Situation of Deaf Children,Director
8.Text Comprehension, Co-director (Valand)
9.Understanding Attitudes, Workplace Communication Director(Work environment fund.)
10. Work -place Communication, Director (DEIFO)
11.Patient-Doctor Communication, Director (Apotekarsocieten)
12.Semantics and Spoken Interaction, Director (HSFR)
13 Cultural Models of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Codirector (SAREC)
14. A Pragmatic Language Understanding System, National Co- director (ESPRIT)
15.Trust as a resource in achieving rationality , Codirector (RJ)
16. Social Activity and Spoken Language, Director (RJ)
17. Databases for Communication and Cooperation, Codirector (AMFO)
18.Intelligent Instruments for Information, Codirector (NUTEK)
19. Information Visualization and Exploration Systems, Director (NUTEK)
20. Rootlex, Director (NUTEK)
21. TREE, Codirector, (Language Engineering, EU)
22. VISAT, Director, (FRN)
23. Interactive Narratives, Director, (HSFR)
24. A Platform for Multimodal Spoken Language Corpora, Director (NUTEK, HSFR)
25. Cultural Variation and Communication Technology, Director (KFB)
26. NORDTALK, Director (NORFA)
27. SWEDANE, Director (NORFA)
28. Spoken language corpora for the 9 official African languages of South Africa, Codirector (Sida/Sarec)
Ph.D. Guidance: Main tutor of 18 and cotutor of 1 completed and approved Ph.D. theses. At present, I am tutoring around 10 Ph.D candidates.
External Examiner: University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 1990 – 95, 95 -98.
Guest Professor: University of Texas, Austin, Spring term 2000, Fall 2001
Scientific Journals Journal of Pragmatics, 1976 –
(editorial board): Journal of Semantics, 1982 – 88
Linguistics, 1976-85
Systems Research, 1984 –
Language and Context, 1986 –
Pragmatics and Cognition, 1991 –
Journal of Modern Languages, 1995 –
Editor in Chief: Journal of Interculural Communication, 2000-
Memberships in 1. Nordic Association of Linguistics (NAL). Chairman,
Societies: 1987 – 90; 1990 – 93.
2. Linguistics Society of America
3. Societas Linguistica Europeica
5. Society of General Systems
6. European Psycholinguistics Society. Co-founder
7. Association for cultural contact and intercultural communication (KIK) – Chairman 1983 – 88
8. Royal Academy of Science, 1988 –
9. Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication (NIC),
Co-founder, member of Steering Commitee, 1994 –
- Gothenburg Author’s Society 1996 –
- SIGdial , SAC 1997 – 1999
- Rotary, 2001-
Centers and Institutes: 1. Center for studies on cultural contacts and international migration (KIM) – Co-founder, Chairman (1977 – 1988)
2 Immigrant Institute, Borås. Chairman 1988 –
3. SSKKII Interdisciplinary Center (for studies of Language, Semantics,Cognition, Communication, Interaction and Information), Cofounder, Director 1990 –
4. Göteborg International Institute Foundation, Chairman, 1995 –
5. Center for Studies of International Working Life (IAS). Cofounder, member of Steering Commitee, 1994 –
6. Göteborg University Center for Studies of East and South East Asia (GESEAS), Cofounder, member of Steering Commitee, 1994-
1. 1969 Medfödda idéer i Chomskys generativa grammatik, unpublished paper, University of Göteborg, Dept of Philosophy.
2. 1969 Functionalism, unpublished paper, University of Göteborg, Dept of Sociology.
3. 1973 The Concepts of Holism and Reductionism in Sociological Theory. Research report nr 27 , University of Göteborg, Dept of Sociology.
4. 1973 ”Truth, Appropriateness and Focus” in Dahl (Ed.) (1974) Topic, Comment, Contextual Boundess and Focus, Hamburg, Buske.
5. 1974 ”Intensity, Pitch, Duration and Focus” Logical Grammar Reports 11, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
6. 1975 ”Conventional and Nonconventional Presupposition” in Hovdhaugen (Ed.) Papers from the Second Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, University of Oslo, Dept of Linguistics, pp. 1-14.
7. 1975 ”Några oväntade satsflätor” in Nysvenska studier, 1975-76:pp. 55-56.
8. 1976 ”The Complex NP-Constraint as a non-universal rule” University of Massachusetts Occasional Reports No. 2, University of Massachusetts, Dept of Linguistics.
Also in Engdahl & Ejerhed (Ed) (1982) Readings on Unbounded Dependencies in Scandinavian Languages, Acta Universitatis Umensis and Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm and Umeå.
9. 1976 ”Sändare, mottagare och informationsöverföring” in Insikt och Handling, Lund, Doxa.
10. 1976 Linguistic Communication as Action and Cooperation, Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics 2, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics, pp. 1-257.
11. 1977 ”Om makt i kommunikation” in Skutnabb-Kangas, T. and Rekdal, O., Vardagsskrift, Uppsala.
12. 1977 ”A Critical Look at Speech Act Theory” in Dahl (Ed.) Logic, Pragmatics and Grammar, Lund, Studentlitteratur, pp. 53-69.
13. 1977 ”Negation and the Strength of Presuppositions” in Dahl (Ed.) Logic, Pragmatics and Grammar, Lund, Studentlitteratur, pp. 11-52.
14. 1978 ”Om analys av kommunikationsverb” in Nysvenska Studier.
15. 1978 ”A Bird’s Eye View of Pragmatics” in Gregersen (Ed.) Papers from the Fourth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Odense University Press, pp. 145-159.
16. 1978 ”On the Analysis of Communicative Action” Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 38, Dept of Linguistics, Göteborg University.
Also in Brenner (Ed.) (1978) The Structure of Action, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 168-191.
17. 1978 ”A Montague Grammar for a Fragment of Swedish” in Weinstock (Ed.) Proceedings from the Third International Conference of Nordic and -General Linguistics.
Also in Logical Grammar Reports 22, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
18. 1978 ”Rapport on kommunikationsforskning i Holland” in Nordic Linguistic Bulletin, vol.2, 1978, No.2.
19. 1979 ”Ickeverbal kommunikation – en översikt” in Stedje and af Trampe (Ed.) Tvåspråkighet. Stockholm, Akademilitteratur, Also in Invandrare och Minoriteter nr 3, 1979, pp. 16-24.
20. 1979 ”Report from the Symposium on Linguistic Perspective in Stockholm, Nov. 1978 in Nordic Linguistic Bulletin, Vol.3, 1979, No.1.
21. 1980 ”Förväntningar, kommunikation och perception in undervisningen” in Axner, Ogenholt and Åhs (Ed.) Perceptionsstörningar och socio-emotionella störningar in ett vidgat perspektiv. University of Göteborg, Dept of Education.
22. 1980 ”Antropologisk lingvistik – en projektbeskrining” Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 1, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics. Also in English in ”Proceedings of the Second Scandinavian-German Symposium on the Language of Immigrant Workers and their Children”, Väst-Berlin, 21-26 Sept, 1980, LAB 16, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germanistik, 1981.
23. 1980 ”On Power in Communication” in Allwood and Ljung (Ed.) ALVAR – a festschrift to Alvar Ellegård, SPELL I, University of Stockholm, Dept of English.pp. 1 – 20.
24. 1980 ”Om flerspråkighetens villkor” in Flerkulturell kompetens Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 7, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
25. 1980 ”Den klassiska analysen av kunskap” in Tidning för Högskolan, Stockholm.
26. 1981 ”On the distinctions between Semantics and Pragmatics” in Klein and Levelt (Ed.) Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics, Dordrecht, Reidel.
Also in Swedish: ”Om distinktionerna mellan semantik och pragmatik”, Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics, S3, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics, 1983.
27. 1981 ”Språkvetenskap och språkpedagogik” in Allwood (Ed.) Språkteorins relevans för språkundervisningen, Studieförlaget i Göteborg, Kursverksamheten, Göteborg.
28. 1981 ”Language, Beliefs and Concepts” in Allwood, Frängsmyr, Hjort, and Svedin (Ed.) Natural Resources in a Cultural Perspective, FRN-report No. 37-s, May 1981, Stockholm.
29. 1982 ”Finns det svenska kommunikationsmönster”? in ”Vad är svensk kultur”, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 9, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
30. 1982 Reduktionism, Holism och Atomism, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics, to be published in Allwood, Frängsmyr, Hjort, and Svedin: Final Report on a Project on Natural Resources in a Cultural Perspective.
31. 1982 ”Review of Ballmer, T. and Brennenstuhl,W. Speech Act Classification” in Semantics 1982, Vol. 1, No 3: pp. 287-290.
32. 1983 ”Tankar om språkundervisning” in Lingua Nr 1, 1983.
(Earlier version entitled ”Tankar om lärarutbildning in svenska för invandrare ” in LFI-nytt No. 1, 1981.
33 1983 ”En analys av ”kommunikation”” in Nowak, Andrén and Strand (Ed.) Kommunikationsprocesser, Mass 7, University of Stockholm, Centre for Mass Kommunikation Research.
34. 1983 ”Om argumentationen in några invandrarfientliga brev till Sveriges Radio” in Kulturmöte, konflikt eller samarbete, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 11, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
35. 1983 ”Om att utifrån språket studera natur och naturresurser” in Sagt och Menat., 17 paper presented to Mats Furberg on his 50th birthday, Röda serien no 23, University of Göteborg, Dept of Philosophy.
(Earlier version entitled ”Natur och naturresurser” publicerad in Marton and Wenestam (Ed.) Att uppfatta sin omvärld, AWE, Gebers, Norstedts, 1984.
36. 1983 ”Naturen som metaforfält” in Allwood, Frängsmyr and Svedin (Ed.) Naturen som symbol, Borås, Kontenta, Liber.
37. 1983 ”Kan man tänka oberoende av språk? in Teleman (Ed.) Tal och Tanke, Lund, Liber.
38. 1984 ”Logik och samtal” in Språk, kunskap, medvetande, festchrift presented to Ivar Segelberg on his 70th birthday, University of Göteborg, Dept of Philosophy.
(English version ”Logic and spoken Interaction” published in Myers (Ed.) Reasoning and Discourse Processes, London, Academic Press, 1986).
39. 1984 ”On Relevance in Spoken Interaction” in Bäckman and Kjellmer (Ed.) Papers on Language and Literature, pp. 18-35, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
40. 1984 ”Brief Remarks on the State of the Art and Current Needs in Research on Bi- and Multilingualism” in Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Bilingualism, Uppsala, June 1984.
41. 1985 ”Tvärkulturell kommunikation” in Allwood, J. (Ed.) Tvärkulturell kommunikation, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 12, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
42. 1986 ”Mentalitet och språk; Några reflektioner” in P. Sällström (Ed.) Mentaliteter, Memorandum from the Board of Åbo Akademi Research Institute No. 118.
43. 1986 ”Some Perspectives on Understanding in Spoken Interaction” in Furberg, Wetterström, and Åberg (Ed.) Logic and Abstraction. Acta Philosophica Gothoburgensia 1.
44. 1986 ”Några perspektiv på mänsklig kommunikation” and ”Om hjälpmedel och system för mänsklig kommunikation” in Allwood, J. (Ed.) Mänsklig kommunikation”, GULING 14, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
45. 1986 Chapters 3,4,6 & 7 in Allwood, J. (Ed.) Annual Report on Feedback, ESF-project EALA, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
46. 1987 ”A Semantic Analysis of Understanding” in V. Rosén (Ed.) Papers from the Tenth Scandinvian Conference of Lingustics, University of Bergen, Dept of Linguistics and Phonetics, pp. 37-51.
47. 1988 ”Om det svenska systemet för språklig återkoppling” in P. Linell, V. Adelswärd, T. Nilsson, & P.A. Pettersson (Eds.) Svenskans Beskrivning 16, Vol.1. (SIC 21a) , University of Linköping, Tema Kommunikation.
48. 1988 ”Om Normativa och deskriptiva Aspekter på explicit och implicit kunskap” in Andersson and Elzinga (Ed.) Datorer och kunskap, Rapport No. 155, University of Göteborg, Dept for the Theory of Science.
49. 1988 ”Språken i Sverige – igår, idag och imorgon” in Bergman (Ed.) Kommunerna och Invandrarna, Kommentusgruppen AB, 125 88 Älvsjö
50. 1988 ”Kärlekens språk” in Ottar, Nr 3, 1988.
51. 1988 ”Återkoppling in vuxnas språkinlärning” in Hyltenstam and Lindberg (Ed.) Svenska som andraspråk, Vol. 1, University of Stockholm, Centre for the Study of Bilingualism.
52. 1988 ”Vad är ett skolämne?” in Mälden 3, University of Göteborg, School of Education.
53. 1989 Om begrepp – deras bestämning, analys och konstruktion (ms).
54. 1989 ”Den generiska modellen”, RASP Metodikhandboken, SDA AB, Telubteknik AB.
55. 1989 ”Modellering som analys- och specificeringsmetod”. MILINF 90. Eskilstuna.
56. 1990 ”On the role of cultural content and cultural context in language instruction”, Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 60, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
57. 1991 ”Kroppskommunikation – uttrycks- och innehållsdimensioner”, in Hermerén, G.(ed.) Att tala utan ord. Människans icke-verbala uttrycksformer. Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Konferenser 24.
58. 1992 ”On dialogue cohesion”, Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 65, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
Also in Heltoft, l. and Haberland, H. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Department of languages and Culture, Roskilde University, 1996.
59. 1992 ”Bör humanism och humaniora kritiseras?” in Tvärsnitt 3, pp.50-60.
60. 1992 ”Kommentarer till ett samtal: kommunikativ verksamhetsanalys”. In
Hellberg, S. Kotsinas, U.-B. och Lindell, I. (red) Svenskans Beskrivning
19. Lund: Lund University Press.
61. 1993 ”Den kognitiva revolutionen”. i Framtider No 1, 1993
Institutet för Framtidsstudier, Stockholm
62. 1993 ”Type and Quantity of Feedback use as a measure of language Proficiency”. In Perdue, C. (ed.) Adult Language Acquisition. Crosslinguistic Perspectives, Vol. I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 133-144. Also in ”Feedback and language acquisition”, Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics. University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics, 1992.
63. 1993 ”Feedback in Second Language Acquisition”. In Perdue, C. (ed.) Adult Language Acquisition. Cross Linguistic Perspectives, Vol. II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 196-235. Also in ”Feedback and language acquisition”, Gothenburg papers in Theoretical Linguistics. University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics, 1992.
64. 1993 Studying Concepts at NIAS. NIAS Nytt. No 2 Copenhagen University, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies.
65. 1993 ”Types of Conflict and Conflict Handling in an Academic Seminar. In J. Hultberg (ed.) New Genres in Science Studies. University of Göteborg, Dept of Theory of science.
66. 1992 ”The Academic Seminar as an Arena of Conflict and Conflict Resolution”, Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 67, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
67. 1993. ”Ett globalt perspektiv på kultur och språkmångfald” in Kós-Dienes & Sander (eds) Multiculturality – Warfare or Welfare, KIM report 17, University of Göteborg.
68. 1994. ”Obligations and Options in Dialogue” inThink, vol 3, May 1994, ITK, Tilburg University, pp. 9-18.
69. 1994. ”Om dialogreglering” in Jörgensen, Platzack & Svensson (eds) Språkbruk, grammatik och språkförändring, Dept of Nordic Languages,University of Lund.
70. 1994. ”Nogle perspektiver på talesprogsforskning” in Nys Nysproglige studier, No 18, Dansklaererforeningens Forlag, Copenhagen
71. 1995. ”An Activity Based Approach to Pragmatics” in Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 76, Dept. of linguistics, University of Göteborg.
Also in ”. In Bunt, H. & Black, B. (eds.) Abduction, Belief and Context
in Dialogue; Studies in Computational Pragmatics. Amsterdam, John
Benjamins, pp.47-80.
72. 1995. ”Language Communication and Social Activity” in Junefelt, K. (ed.) Special Session on Activity Theory , Proceedings of the XIV:th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics and the VIII:th Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics in Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 73, Dept. of linguistics, University of Göteborg.
73. 1995 ”Reasons for management in dialog” in Beun, R.J., Baker, M. and Reiner, M. (eds.) Dialogue and Instruction. Springer-Verlag.pp 241-50.
74. 1995 “Semantic field of conflict and conflict resolution” in
Festschrift to Gunnar Jakobsson. Slavic Dept, University of Göteborg.
75. 1995 “On the Contextual Determination of Communicative Functions” in Moen,I., Simonsen, H. G. and Lödrup, H. (eds.) Papers from the Xvth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics , Department of Linguistics, University of Oslo.
76. 1995 ”Inledning”, ”Vad är språk”. In Ahlsén, E. & Allwood, J. (Eds) Språk i Fokus. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
77. 1995 ”Dialog as Collective Thinking”. In Pylkkänen, P. & Pylkkö, P. (Eds.) New Directions in Cognitive Science. Publications of the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. International conferences – no 2, Helsinki. Also in Pylkkänen, P. & Pylkkö, P. & Hautamäki, A. (Eds.), 1997, Brain,Mind and Physics, Amsterdam, IOS Press, pp. 222-226
78. 1995 ”Action Theory”. In Verschueren, J., Östman, J – O. & Blommaert, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Pragmatics. Amsterdam / Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publ. company.
79. 1996 ”Talspsråksfrekvenser”. In Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics GPTL S 20. Dept. of linguistics, University of Göteborg, pp.
80. 1996 ”Några Perspektiv på Talspråksforskning” In Samspel & Variation, Språkliga studier tillägnade Bengt Nordberg på 60-årsdagen. Dept of Nordic Languages, Uppsala University.
81. 1996 ”Some Comments on Wallace Chafee`s – How Consciousness shapes Language. In Pragmatics and Cognition, Vol. 4. No. 1.
82. 1997 ”Notes on Dialog and Cooperation”. In Jokinen, K.,
D. Sadek and D. Traum (eds.) Collaboration, Cooperation and Conflict
in Dialogue Systems. Proceedings of the IJCAI-97 Workshop
”Collaboration, Cooperation and Conflict in Dialogue
Systems”. Nagoya, August 1997. pp. 9 – 21.
83. 1997 ”Dialog as Collective Thinking”. In Pylkkänen, P. & Pylkkö, P. &
Hautamäki, A. (Eds.), 1997, Brain,Mind and Physics, Amsterdam, IOS Press, pp. 205-211.
84. 1998 “Some Frequency based Differences between Spoken and Written
Swedish”. Papers from the 16:th .) Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Department of Finnish and General Linguistics, Turku University, pp. 18-29.
85. 1999 “Semantics as Meaning Determination with Semantic-Epistemic
operations”, in Allwood, J. & Gärdenfors, P. (eds.), Cognitive Semantics, Amsterdam, Benjamins
86. 1999 ”The Swedish Spoken Language Corpus at Göteborg University”. In
Proceedings of Fonetik 99. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics GPTL 81. Dept. Of linguistics, University of Göteborg.
87. 1999 “Are there Swedish Patterns of Communication?” In H. Tamura (ed.)
Cultural Acceptance of CSCW in Japan & Nordic Countries, Kyoto Institute of Technology, p. 90-120.
88. 2000 ”Språk & tid”.Upptäcktsverket.
http://www.tidsdokument.org/sprak_tid/index.html p.1- 9. Also in
Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics GPTL S22. Dept. Of
Linguistics, University of Göteborg.
89. 2000 Språk och Världsbild. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics
GPTL S23. Dept. Of linguistics, University of Göteborg.
90. 2000 “Structure of Dialog”. InTaylor, M., Bouwhuis, D. & Neel, F. (eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue II, Amsterdam, Benjamins.pp. 3 – 24.
91. 2000 ”An Activity Based Approach to Pragmatics”. In Bunt, H. & Black, B.
(eds.) Abduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue; Studies in
Computational Pragmatics. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp.47-80.
92. 2000 Dialog on dialog. An appetizer to the study of dialog. In Fiala, J. &
Chvatík, I. (eds.) Transcdisciplinární Gratulovník k. 60 narozeninám
Ivana M. Havla. Praha: Oikoymenh, pp. 7-9.
93. 2001 Dialog Coding – Function and Grammar: Göteborg Coding
Schemas. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics
GPTL 85. Dept. Of linguistics, University of Göteborg, pp.1-67.
94. 2001 Language Technology as aid in preserving linguistic diversity, ELSNews
(10.1) Spring 2001,webversion at http://www.elsnet.org
95. 2001 Capturing Differences between Social Activities in Spoken Language. In
Kenesei, I. and Harnish, R. M. (eds.) Perspectives on Semantics,
Pragmatics and Discourse. Amsterdam, John Benjamins. P 301 –319
96. 2001 Cooperation and flexibility in multimodal communication. In
Cooperative Multimodal Communication Harry Bunt and Robbert-Jan
Beun, editors Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2155 Springer Verlag,
Berlin/Heidelberg. Also in SALSA – Symposium About Language and
Society – Austin. Texas Linguistic Forum, Volume 44, nos 1 and 2. 2002.
pp. 2 – 17 and in Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics GPTL 84. Dept. of linguistics, University of Göteborg.
97. 2001 Corpus based, spoken language and computational research. In
Nordisk Sprogteknologi – Nordic Language Technology. Museum
Tusculanums Forlag, Copenhagen
98. 2002 Language and Time. In Pajusalu,Renate & Hennoste, Tiit (eds.)
Tähendusepüüdja, Catcher of theMeaning. Publications of the
Department of General Linguistics 3, University of Tartu. English
translation of ”Språk & tid”, GPTL S22
99. 2002 Bodily Communication – Dimensions of expression and Content.
Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems Björn Granström, David House and Inger Karlsson (Editors) Kluwer Academic Publishers
Dordrecht, The Netherlands., pp. 7-26 (20 p)
100. 2003 Allwood, J. Meaning Potential and Context. Some Consequences for the
Analysis of Variation in Meaning. In Cuyckens, Hubert, Dirven, René & Taylor, John R. (eds) Cognitive Approaches to Lexical Semantics. Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 29-65.
Manuskript under utarbetande eller under publicering:
Communication Ethics
B1 1973 (with McDowall, M., Rovio-Jansson, A., and Thorén, V.). Försök till utveckling av generell modell för läromedelsproduktion, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B2 1976 (with Andersson, L.G.) Semantik, GULING 1, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B3 1977 (with Andersson, L.G., and Dahl, Ö.). Logic in Linguistics, Cambridge University Press
(earlier versions in Swedish and German; the English version has also been translated into Finnish, Spanish and Japanese.)
B4 1978 (with Aronsson, K., Brenner, S.O., Hjelmquist, E., Marton, F., and Svensson, L.) ”Språk och tanke” in Jiveskog, Lundgren and Mattsson (Eds.) Språk och Socialisation, Dept of Education, Teachers Training College, Stockholm.
B5 1979 (with Lindström,, S., and Svensson, O.) Rapport från expertgruppen för temat kommunikation -överföring av information, TEMA, Linköpings University. (Report on communication research in Holland also in Nordic Linguistic Bulletin, Vol.2, 1978, No.2)
B6 1978 (with Klein,W., and Levelt, W.) Ecology of Adult Language Acquisition – A Project Proposal)
B7 1981 (with Dahl, Ö.) ”Review of Wunderlich’s Foundations of Linguistics” in Language, 1981.
B8 1982 (with Perdue, C. et al.) Ecology of Adult Language Acquisition – A Field Manual. European Science Foundation.
B9 1982 (with McDowall, M. and Strömqvist, S.) Barn, språkutveckling och flerspråkighet in Government report SOU 1982:43.
Also in Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics S6, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B10 1983 (with Strömqvist, S., and Voionmaa, K.) ”Ecology of Adult Language Acquisition”, Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 45, 1983, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B11 1984 (with Ahlsén, E.) ”Afasi och semantik”, Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics S5, 1984. University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B12 1984 (with Lieff,E.) Better Terminal Use. BTV, Research report for IBM, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics and Dept of Computer Sciences.
B13 1984 (with Andersson, L.G., and Hjelmquist, E.) Bättre aviseringstext BAT, Research report for Valand.
B14 1984 (with Abelar, J.) ”Lack of Understanding, Misunderstanding and Language Acquisition” in Extra & Mittner (Ed.) Proceedings of the AILA-Conference in Brussels 1984.
Also in Swedish in Proceedings of the Fourth Scandinavian Symposium on Bilingualism, Uppsala, July, 1984.
B15 1984 (with Gaston-Johansson, F.) ”Pain Assessment: Model Construction and Analysis of Words Used to Describe Pain-like Experience”. Semiotica 71(1 – 2):73 – 92, 1988.
B16 1984 (with Abelin, Å.) Tolkning av känsloprosodi – en kontrastiv studie. University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B17 1985 (with Hjelmquist, E.) (Ed.) Foregrounding Background, Lund, Doxa.
B18 1985 (with Franker, G. and Kós-Dienes, D.) ”Förförståelse och attityder i arbetslivet och skyddsfrågor”, FAAS Projektrapport 1, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 14, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B19 1986 (with Ahlsén, E.) ”Lexical Convergence and Language Acquisition” in Dahl, Ö. (Ed.) Papers from the Ninth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. University of Stockholm, Dept of Linguistics.
B 20 1986 (with Ahlsén, E.) ”Semantic Aspects of Aphasic Word-substitution” in Dahl, O. (Ed.) Papers from the Ninth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. University of Stockholm, Dept of Linguistics.
B 21 1987 (with Franker, G. and Kós-Dienes, D.) ”En pilotstudie om attityder i tvärkulturell kommunikation”, FAAS Projektrapport 2, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 16, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B 22 1988 (with Franker, G., and Kós-Dienes, D.) ”Värderingar, Attityder och Tvärkulturell kommunikation” in Allwood (Ed.) Attityder och värderingar in kulturmöten, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 19 and KIM 6, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics
B 23 1988 (with Strömqvist, S.). ”Tvärkulturell kommunikation med särskild hänsyn till talspråklig interaktion” in Strömqvist, S., & Strömqvist, G. (Ed.). Kulturmöten, kommunikation, skola, Stockholm, Norstedts.
B 24 1989 (with Bergman, L. and Hedencrona, E.).”Förförståelse och attityder in arbetslivet och skyddsfrågor. Om tvärkulturell kommunikation på arbetsplatsen”. FAAS final report, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 21, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B 25 1989 (with Kós-Dienes, D.) ”Svenska som Lingua Franca på arbetsplatsen”, in Invandrare och minoriteter, 4-5, pp. 71-78.
B 26 1990 (with Nivre, J. and Ahlsén, E. ).”Speech Management: On the Non-Written Life of Speech”. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics, 58. University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
Also in Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 13, pp. 3-48.
B 27 1990 (with Boyd, S. ) ”Framtiden, språk & kommunikation” in Day & Kós-Dienes, Möjliga framtidsbilder, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 23, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B 28 1990 (with Fillmore, C.) ”Fillmore on Language Teaching – an interview with Charles Fillmore” Moderna Språk 84(2), pp. 105 -113.
B 29 1991 (with Kós-Dienes, D.). ”Ett pilotprojekt om kommunikation inom sjukvården med särskilt hänsyn till läkemedelsordination”. Project report
Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 25, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B 30 1991 (with Ahlsén, E.) ”Semantic Operations in Aphasia” in H.A. Sigurdsson, (Ed.) Papers from the 12th Scandinvian Conference of Linguistics, University of Reykjavik, Dept of Linguistics.
B 31 1991 (with Black, W., Bunt, H., Dols, F. Donzella, C., Ferrari,G., Gallagher, J., Haidan, R., Imlah, B., Jokinen, K., Lancel, J-M., Nivre, J., Sabah, G., and Wachtel, T.) ”A Pragmatics Based Language Understanding System”, in Proceedings of the ESPRIT Conference 1991.
B 32 1992 (with Nivre, J. and Ahlsén, E.) ”On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Linguistic Feedback” in Journal of Semantics, 1992, also in Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics, 64, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics.
B 33 1992 (with Haglund, B.) Communicative Activity analysis of a Wizard of Oz Experiment, Internal report. PLUS ESPRIT project P5254. Forthcoming in Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics.
B 34 1992 (with Bunt, H.) Pragmatics in PLUS. Internal report. PLUS ESPRIT Project.
B 35 1994 (with Hagman, J.) ”Some Simple Automatic Measures of Spoken Interaction”. In Gregersen, F. and Allwood, J. (eds.) Spoken Language, Proceedings of the XIV Conference of Scandinavian Linguistics, Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics, 72, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics, pp. 3-22.
B 36 1996 (with Ahlberg, C.) ”Visualizing Spoken Interaction”. In Moen,I., Simonsen, H. G. and Lödrup, H. (eds.) Papers from the Xvth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics , Department of Linguistics, University of Oslo.
B 37 1996 (with Ahlsén, E. (Eds)) Språk i Fokus. Lund, Studentlitteratur
B 38 1998 (with Nivre, J., Tullgren, K., Ahlsén, E,. Holm, J, Grönkvist, L.,
Lopez-Kästen, D. & Sofkova, S) “Towards multimodal spoken language corpora: TransTool and SyncTool”.Proceedings of ACL-COLING 1998, June 1998.
B 39 1999 (with Ahlsén, E.), Learning to communicate. Journal of Pragmatics, 31,
pp. 1353 – 1389.
B 40 1999 (with Cheadle, M. and Green, A.) “Interactive Acquisition of Terminology
describing Job Applicants in Job Advertisements” in HUMAN IT no.2/1999.
B 41 1999 Allwood, J. & Gärdenfors, P. (eds.)Cognitive Semantics, Amsterdam,
Benjamins, 201p..
B 42 1999 Allwood, J. & Tamura, H. 1999. Remote Coordination and Acceptance of
Technology across Language and Cultures. In H. Tamura (ed.) Cultural
Acceptance of CSCW in Japan & Nordic Countries, Kyoto Institute of
Technology, p. 121-124.
B 43 2000 Allwood, J. & Schroeder R. “Intercultural Communication in a virtual
Environment” in Intercultural Communication no 4,
http://www.immi.se/intercultural/. Also in Allwood, J. & Dorriots, B (eds.)(2001). Intercultural Communication – Business and the internet (5th NIC symposium), Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 27, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics
B 44 2000 Allwood, J., Björnberg, M., Grönqvist, L., Ahlsén, E. & Ottesjö, C.
The Spoken Language Corpus at the Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University. FQS – Forum Qualitative Social Research, Volume 1, No. 3 – December 2000. 22p.
B 45 2000 Allwood, J., Traum, D. & Jokinen, K. Cooperation, dialogue and ethics.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53, 871-914.
Available online at http://www.idealibrary,com.on
B 46 2001 Allwood, J. & Dorriots, B.(eds.) Intercultural Communication – Business
and the internet (5th NIC symposium), Papers in Anthropological
Linguistics27, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics
B 47 2001 Allwood, J. & Sjöström, S. Ordförrådet i Läroplanerna, Gothenburg
Papers in Theoretical Linguistics, S 25, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics
B 48 2001 Allwood, J., Ahlsén, E. Corpus-based Research on Spoken Language. In
Nordisk Sprogteknologi – Nordic Language Technology. Museum
Tusculanums Forlag, Copenhagen
B 49 2002 Allwood, J. & Dorriots, B.(eds.) The Diversity of Intercultural
Communication (5th NIC symposium), Papers in Anthropological
Linguistics 28, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics (267 p)
B 50 2002 Allwood,J., Grönqvist, L., Ahlsén, E. and Gunnarsson, M.
Göteborgkorpusen för talspråk (The Göteborg Spoken
Language Corpus, GSLC); Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, Nydanske Studier 30, pp.39-58.
B 51 2002 Allwood,J., Henrichsen, P. J., Grönqvist, L., Ahlsén, E. and Gunnarsson,
M. Transliteration Between Spoken Language Corpora – Moving between
Danish BYSOC and Swedish GSLC. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics,86, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics (20 p)
B 52 2002 Abelin, Å and Allwood,J. Cross linguistic Interpretation of Emotional
Prosody. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 87, University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics
B 53 2002 Allwood, J., Voionmaa, K., Berbyuk, N., Dianyu, L. and Ndame, T. Sticka
huvudet i busken. In Ett växande vetande. Vetenskapsrådets temabok 2002,
Uppsala, ISBN:91-7307-015-7. pp. 23-34 (11 p).
B 54 2003 Abelin, Åsa & Allwood, Jens: ”Cross Linguistic Interpretation of
Expressions of Emotions” i: Proceedings of VIII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social, 20–24 jan, Santiago de Cuba, Kuba 2003, ISBN: 959-7174-01-4, pp. 387–393 (18 p)
B 55 2003 Allwood, J., Grönqvist, L. Ahlsén, E. & Gunnarsson, M. 2003. Annotations
and tools for an activity based spoken language corpus. In van Kuppevelt, J. & Smith R. (ed.) Current and New Directions in Discourse and Dialogue. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 1-4020-1614-X, pp. 1 – 18.
B 56 2003 Ahlsén, Elisabeth, Allwood, Jens & Nivre, Joakim: ”Feedback in different
social activities” i: P. Juel-Henrichsen (red.): Nordic Research on
Relations Between Utterances. Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP, 3,
2003, ISBN, pp. 9–37.
B 57 2003 Allwood, Jens & Cerrrato, Loredana. A study of gestural feedback
expressions, First Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Paggio P. Jokinen K. Jönsson A. (eds), Copenhagen, 23-24 September 2003, ISSN 1600-339X, pp.7-22
B 58 2003 Allwood, J. & Gunnarsson, M. 2003. Bildning – en begreppsanalys.
Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics S29. Göteborg University,
Department of Linguistics, 81 p.
B 59 2003 Bergh, I., Gunnarsson, M., Allwood, J., Odén, A., Sjöström, B. & Steen, B.
2003. Everyday descriptions of pain in elderly patients following
orthopaedic surgery. In I. Berg (Ed.) Pain in the Elderly. Göteborg
University, Department of Geriatric Medicine. ISBN 91-628-5727-4, 25p
B 60 2004 Allwood, J., Ahlsén, E, Henrichsen, P. J. Gunnarsson, M., Voionmaa, K,
Vappula, H. & Grönqvist, L. 2004. Några frekvensbaserade skillnader
mellan svenskt och danskt talspråk. In P. Juel Henrichsen (Ed.) Babylonic
Confusion Resolved. Proceedings of the Nordic Symposium on the
Comparison of Spoken Languages at SMOL (CBS) November 2003.
Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP 1 – 2004, pp. 68-98.
B 61 2004 Allwood, J.; A.P. Hendrikse. Spoken Language Corpora in South Africa.
In the Proceedings of SALTMIL Workshop at LREC 2004-First Steps
for Language Documentation of Minority Languages : Computational Linguistic Tools for Morphology, Lexicon and Corpus Compilation. Lisbon, May 2004.
B 62 2004 Tronnier, M. & J. Allwood . 2004. ”Fundamental frequency in feedback
words in Swedish”, 2004. in: Proceedings of the 18th International
Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2004), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 2239-2242.